
Interested in sponsoring a giveaway or product review?

CoverGirl + Converse is open to accepting reviews or other forms of advertising only that are related to this particular blog's content and readers.
We are also now open to hosting giveaways on the blog, but I do ask that the product pertain to C+C's content and readers and is priced at a minimum of $20.
Please email me if you are interested sponsoring a giveaway or a product review or have further questions.

Want a guest post?

I'm all in! I would love to guest post for you if time allows. Please email me at least 3 days in advance.
Please note that I only guest post for active bloggers that have similar content & to that of C+C.

More questions? Just email me here or comment below and I will be quick to respond!

1 comment :

  1. please can you guest post on my blog fairy lights and friday nights :)


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